Top Ten Needed Donations

  1. Financial Donations
  2. Canned Fruit in Juice
  3. Peanut Butter
  4. Canned Meat
  5. Baby Diapers
  6. Baby Formula
  7. Rice and Pasta
  8. Hearty Soups and Stews
  9. Toilet Paper
  10. Laundry Detergent

We gladly accept:

  • Baby food
  • Formula
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Some foods that are past the “sell by” or “best if used by” dates, Slightly dented cans and those with rust that easily rubs off.
  • Pet food
  • Opened laundry detergent, shampoos, etc. that are at least half full

  • Properly labeled domestic/wild game that was processed by a state or federally inspected processing plant or meat locker and lists the name of the animal and name/location of the processing facility

  • Garden or farm produce that is free of mold or decay with several days of remaining shelf life. Properly packed in sturdy containers to prevent damage and bruising. Sanitary and free of rodents and insects. Grown using water obtained from a public water system. Handled only after proper hand-washing procedures. Wiped free of as much dirt as possible. Transported using a clean transport vehicle

  • Egg donations that are labeled and graded, come from a producer licensed in Iowa, and have been stored consistently at a temperature at or below 45°F.